The Unkown Known

HanWaY Collection


Errol Morris

Donald Rumsfeld


Confession, remorse, apology - don't expect any from Donald Rumsfeld, one of the most controversial politicians in recent history and principal architect of the Iraq war.

During his career Rumsfeld wrote over 100,000 internal memos, so called "snowflakes", over a period of 50 years, covering four different administrations from Richard Nixon to George W Bush. But how did this man manage to stay in power for over 5 decades?

Academy Award-winning director Errol Morris shows us how, drawing a portrait of Rumsfeld through his contradictory and confusing snowflakes, taking us where few have ever been beyond the web of words into the unfamiliar terrain of state power and Rumsfeld's mind.

THE UNKNOWN KNOWN presents history from the inside out. It shows how the ideas, fears and the certainties of one man, written out on paper, transformed America, changed the course of modern geopolitics and led to war.

US | English | 2013 | 103 min | HD